Desertopia is a relaxing and therapeutic idle simulator that allows you to spend 5 to 10 minutes of your day cultivating a desert island into a vibrant and lively place at your own pace. You are here to care for the island and restore its wildlife.
Occasionally you need to pick up floating trash to keep the environment clean. You must also make decisions about events triggered by humans. Do you let a tour group onto the island? Should you build a resort? Every decision will directly affect the development of the island.
- Picture book-esque art style: Just watching animals roaming on the island is therapeutic.
- Nearly 100 animals: Desertopia has a collection of over 100 creatures and 20 terrain types. Also, more than 10 legendary creatures populate the island when certain special conditions are met. Some of them only pop up during festivals and holidays!
- Weather and water evaporation: Water evaporation is a unique gameplay mechanic in Desertopia. You must regularly bring rain to your island to maintain suitable living conditions for your creatures. If the island is not properly cared for, it will revert to a desolate desert.
- Multiple layers of music: Listen to our rich background music in different areas of the island, and hear how it changes and responds to the wildlife in that area.
- Events: Cruises bring various people and events to the island. Each event brings something good and something bad. Your decisions all depend on how you want your island to look.
Game Genre:
Simulation, Idle
Release Date:
October 31, 2017
Freemium with IAA and IAP
Supported Languages:
Ren Chen
Boris Wu
Ren Chen
Jason Lin
Ren Chen
Art and Animation
Yesyo Yeh
Kim Lin
Music and Audio Design
Marc Lin
[by Island Nation Translation]
Thomas Huang
Aaron Case
Social Media Management
Ra Hsieh
Selected Article
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-SQOOL.NET ゲーム研究室
- 2017.09 – International Mobile Gaming Awards SEA | Nominee
- 2017.10 – 數位內容產品獎 最佳企劃獎 | Nominee
- 2018.02 – International Mobile Gaming Awards | Nominee
- 2018.05 – BitSummit Vol.6 | Official Selection
- 2018.05 – BitSummit Vol.6 | Indie MEGABOOTH Selection
- 2018.09 – Tokyo Game Show Indie Game Area | Official Selection
- 2018, 2019, 2020 – App Store | Game of the Day (Earth Day Feature)
- 2018 – Google Play | Pride Festival Feature