Gamtropy is a game development team from Taiwan, founded in September 2017 by three college classmates. We focus on creating games that depict contemporary popular culture and social issues, creating various possibilities in terms of game mechanics, gameplay, and themes, with the hope of triggering players’ resonance and feelings towards life experiences through games.
Selected Articles
- [遊戲人生] 生活就是靈感寶庫
-App Store - [聚焦開發者] 認識Gamtropy
-App Store - 以台灣為原型!《荒漠樂園 DESERTOPIA》獨立開發者 如何藉養成遊戲體現社會議題?
-INSIDE - 風格手遊屢獲獎 MIT獨立開發遊戲 創百萬下載
-Apple Daily - 中国でのアプリ展開成功の秘訣は?台湾デベロッパーの成功例から学ぶアプリのアジア展開
-SQOOL.NET - 專訪|遊戲熵:活下來,就能做任性的遊戲
-DIT Startup